September - Serve

 You are an important piece! Sis. Debbie Mitchell gave a example of serving and ministering in a simple way in our lesson on Sunday. She told of how covid has gotten her down because she is a person that loves to give hugs. She had shared this with Noreen Holness in a conversation. Later that day, Noreen drove to her house to see her from a distance and give her an air hug. It was a simple act but one that really helped Debbie continue on with a bit more cheerfulness. This is a perfect example of how we can love each other as the Savior does. Our ward family becomes more unified as we serve and love each other. 

We met tonight at Sis. Marlene Robbins house to have PIES. Our theme for this month is based on, "We can give thanks for the opportunity to help, cherish and serve one another, which makes life so much more meaningful". President Nelson is so wise. He understands how we need each other to make it through this life and thrive. The past several months we have had a great many opportunities to be able to serve our sisters and be served. The words, "I'm here", can be some of the most holy words we can speak when someone is lonely, hurting, or sick. 

Not only did we each get to choose and eat an individual pie, we shared how meaningful ministering is. Sis Alecia Darrow shared her wonderful experience with coming to love and be friends one of the sisters she ministers to even though they do not have much in common. There are miracles in ministering. 

P - Pray for those who you are over. Pray for their families. Pray with them

I - Inspiration. You will receive inspiration needed. Act on all promptings. Listen for the Spirit.

E - Engage. Say Hello. When you see each other on Sundays, activities and other places you can get to know each other better.

S - Serve. You come to love those you serve. This piece is the sweetest and most rewarding but it takes work. The power of service changes lives. 

Our Relief Society is a good one. We care about each other and are truly striving to be the Lord's hands in this work on earth.
