August - Trials


In Proverbs 3:5 we read, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."

None of us are immune to the trials of this world. Sometimes it feels overwhelming and sometimes we wonder how we are going to make it through. It takes faith and trust in the Lord that he knows us and is refining us. We discussed and shared our experiences navigating this life with its ups and downs this evening. President Nelson said, "We can even give thanks for our trials: from which we learn the things we would not know otherwise." 

As we cried a little and talked about difficulties we have been through, there was a overwhelming sense of understanding that Heavenly Father knows us well. He prepares us and supports us as we wade our way through this fallen world. 

 Alma 36:27 says, "And I have been supported under trials and troubles of every kind, yea and in all manner of afflictions; yea God has delivered me from prison, and from bonds, and from death; yea, and I do put my trust in him, and he will still deliver me".

One of the blessings of Relief Society is that we do not have to struggle alone. We have each other to lift and support as life gets hard. We can be grateful for the hard things and help each other on the journey.

Addendum: As this blog is part of our ward history - We are living and surviving in a world that currently has the pandemic of Covid-19. Several of us contracted the virus after this meeting. We have been putting the 'grateful for trials' to practice. 


  1. I am so grateful I attended the meeting, even though I was one of the few who came down with Covid. My case was mild, I didn't get too sick although I did lose smell and taste for a little bit. So many brave sisters shared stories of trials they have struggled through and survived. Our challenges and trials stretch us in ways we often can't see until later. I am grateful for the trials and challenges that I have had and the love of my Savior and Heavenly Father who are always there for me. I am so grateful for the wonderful Relief Society sisters in my life over the years. I am grateful for the opportunity to listen, learn, love, grow, and serve with them.


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