March - Edify

 Suitland Stake Women's Conference was a special treat. We were blessed to have keynote speaker DeAnna Murphy. 

Our Zoom meeting began with Sister Michelle Ray, our Stake RS President, sharing a story of  Chris Nikic, a man with down syndrome, who was to complete an IronMan competition in 16 hrs, 46 min and 9 seconds. He strived and trained to be 1% better every day. She then challenged us to ask the questions, "What should I be doing that I am not?" and "What am I doing that I shouldn't be?".  With wisdom she reminded us that we are doing better than we think we are and that we need to be kind to ourselves.

For the rest of our meeting, Sister Murphy guided and inspired us. There were several times where we had breakout rooms to share with a few other sisters our insights and experiences. She reminded us to look in other's eyes and see the Savior and to also make sure we were seeing ourselves as His. Her seashell story urged us to see the beauty. 

The evening was concluded with these messages: Everyone who crosses your path is different because they have been with you. You are a piece of the puzzle and you help to set in place other essential pieces. Make time with the Savior. Moses 1:6 . THE SAVIOR LOVES YOU!
